General Information:

August 27th 2024 - May 15th, 2025

•Classes will be held Tuesday & Thursday with an experienced teacher in each classroom

 9:00 am drop off - 3:00pm pick up

• All core curriculum will be covered at Empower

Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Art, Gym. All curriculum is Biblical based.

• One qualified, experienced teacher per classroom with 10-12 students.

• Group Learning Classrooms *(these class groupings are tentative and will be confirmed once enrollment closes)

  • Kindergarten , 1st - 2nd Grade, 3rd- 4th Grade, 5th - 6th Grade

  • Middle School (7th-8th), High School (9th -12th)

• We will provide support for parents on paperwork required to turn into the school district and building a portfolio. Empower has an evaluator available for the end of the year evaluations. (Evaluation fee is not included in tuition price.)

• Organized field trips throughout the year (these will be optional and offered on Wednesdays or Fridays with parental transportation and supervision required)

Curriculum for Kindergarten through 6th Grade:

Empower will provide the science, social studies curriculum that will be used at school. Math and Language arts will be purchased by the parents for each student because they will be taught at home and in the learning center. We require parents to purchase The Good and the Beautiful for Math grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade and Teaching Textbooks for grades 4th - 6th grades. Chromebooks will be provided for 4th-6th grade to complete teaching textbooks math in school.

Parents will also be required to purchase the appropriate Memoria Press Language arts curriculum for their student. We will provide links and directions of where to purchase the required curriculum after enrollment is secured.

Curriculum for Middle School & High School:

Empower will provide the curriculum for science, history, writing and Bible. Parents will be responsible for purchasing Teaching Textbooks for math. Empower will provide Chromebooks for the students to use at the learning center for math. Parents will be required to purchase the grade appropriate grammar book and literature reading books. All links will be provided after enrollment is secured.

Curriculum for grades 7th - 12th.

Science - Master Books. Provided by Empower

History - Students of History. Provided by Empower

Writing - Provided by Empower

Literature Studies- Parents purchase the book/novel. Empower provides the teachings.

Grammar - Parents purchase workbook.

  • Grades 7th-8th Memoria Press Language Arts

  • Grades 9th - 12th Easy Grammar Ultimate Series

Bible- Teachings by Pastor Steve Sabol. Curriculum provided by Empower.

Every student will need each day:

  • A big smile and be ready to learn

• Packed Lunch

  • Book Bag

• School Supplies (a list will be provided)

• Math Book (grades K – 3rd)

  • Language Arts Book (grade K-6th)

  • Middle & High School will need all their curriculum books everyday.